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Doubling Dynaway’s Site Traffic: How We Pulled It Off

Brafton helped Dynaway reverse a slope in website sessions, ultimately resulting in a 121% increase in traffic.

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1 Blog Post. 6 Months. $30,000 value: THIS is SEO

We used SEO to achieve $30,000 in estimated traffic value for AppDirect. Here’s how.

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Content is why anyone does anything on the web. This puts pressure on already busy marketers to consistently crank out high-quality content.

Stall content production, and without fail, you’ll stall website traffic. That is what happened to our client Dynaway. And this is the story of how Brafton helped get that traffic flowing again. Imagine this scenario: You’re part of a small but mighty marketing team. One day, your primary blog writer leaves your company. You tell yourself, “it’s fine; we’ll find time to pick up the slack and write a few blog posts.” But before you know it, a few months have passed and you haven’t written a single post — and that’s the least of your troubles. Your traffic is nosediving. Egle Šegždaite of Dynway doesn’t have to use her imagination here, because she saw it happen. And she knew she needed to act fast to right the ship.

“I found Brafton through a Google search and trusted them. I knew if they could get themselves ranked high on Google, they could do the same for us.”


Digital Marketing Manager at Dynaway


Boost Website Traffic

Dynaway is a scrappy, South Carolina-based company that creates enterprise asset management solutions using Microsoft Dynamics. They pride themselves on readymade tools for Microsoft ERP users that add immediate value to their customers’ workflows. But before Dynaway can help anyone, they need to attract leads. “We knew the potential of organic searches to convert leads, but we lost our writer and realized our site traffic was dropping significantly,” Egle explained. At the end of 2020, the company began its engagement with Brafton.

THE Solution

Core Web Vitals audit
Search Performance Briefs
Landing pages
Blog posts
Custom imagery
LinkedIn ad management
Animated videos

“I found Brafton through a Google search and trusted them,” Egle said. “I knew if they could get themselves ranked high on Google, they could do the same for us.”
Our first priority was to resurrect their SEO writing initiative. Phase one was to select strategic target keywords. We chose those keywords on the basis of:
INTENT Is a user looking for information when they search for this keyword (informational intent), a specific page on the web (navigational intent) or are they shopping (commercial intent)? For blog content, we look for keywords that demonstrate informational intent.
SEARCH VOLUME How many people are searching for this keyword each month? In niche markets, you don’t necessarily need to have a super high search volume. It just needs to be high enough that it is worth targeting. DIFFICULTY How hard is it to get on or near Page 1 for this keyword? We evaluate a website’s Domain Authority relative to the Domain Authorities of the sites that are already on Page 1. This helps us understand where a client can expect to rank for a certain keyword. Once we selected keywords we wanted to rank for, we created Search Performance Briefs for each keyword. Each SPB provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the top-20 listings in a particular keyword search-engine results page (SERP). This helps us understand exactly what topics we need to cover in a blog post, and how comprehensively we need to cover them. Our SEO content writers applied this strategy to commercial landing pages and blog posts. Some of the content was written from scratch to target a keyword. But in some cases, we re-optimized existing pages to improve their ranking for certain keywords. We also conducted a Core Web Vitals audit to ensure Dynaway’s site was optimized for technical SEO performance. Our work wasn’t strictly limited to search, though. We began creating infographics, eBooks and animated videos. At the same time, we launched a LinkedIn ad campaign to help fuel brand awareness.


Dynaway has seen a 121% lift in traffic from organic search over the past year.


increase in total year-over-year site traffic (2021 to 2022).


increase in referring domains.

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