Tressa Sloane

Brafton’s Weekly Content Marketing Roundup features the latest news and trends in the world of content marketing. In store for you this week, we’ve got the evolution of the Brafton brand, why every marketer must have video, how companies are using email marketing and a whole lot more.

Vamp up your social video

Not all social media networks are created the same. Whether you’re looking for likes, retweets, more followers or better engagement, you’ve got to make sure you’re using the right tactics for each platform. Thankfully, this guide from Business 2 Community gives you all the info you need on the best practices for using video on each of the major social sites. Get all the details.

Brand development can succeed even from humble beginnings.Brafton branding through the years

Raise your hand if you’ve got one of those embarrassing elementary or junior high school pictures lying around somewhere (I’m with ya). Well, Brafton does, too! In this article, Eric Wendt takes you through the various stages (some of them cringeworthy) of the Brafton brand over the past few years. It just goes to show that building a successful branding strategy takes time, patience and a willingness to change.

Eyes on 2018

We’re already halfway through 2017, and while it’s not quite time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, it is time to start looking at what’s in store for content marketing in 2018. In this piece, Inc. highlights some of the biggest marketing trends on the horizon for next year, including why distribution will become even more important, and which tools you need to use to boost your authority. Gaze into the future!

Most prospects would rather engage with video marketing.No video? No success

Video is where it’s at these days. In content marketing, a strategy without video won’t reach its full potential – and it certainly won’t reach your target audience. As Eric Wendt outlines in this article, both B2B and B2C customers prefer to interact with videos. If you’re not sure where to start or are nervous about the cost, let Eric put your worries to rest and find out why you can’t afford not to have video as part of your marketing strategy. Read it all here.

Putting the info in infographics

Internet users are increasingly digesting their data points in a visual format, and that includes marketers! Check out these informative graphics that highlight the latest trends and data in content marketing from the first half of 2017. Put together by Marketing Insider Group, these graphics showcase various stats on how B2C and B2B brands are spending their marketing budgets as well as which industries are killing it in content marketing. See the rest here.

Ready, set, activate!

Prospects are inundated with a plethora of content each and every day. How do you make your brand stand out from the crowd and get attention? Give consumers an experience with your company through your marketing. In this piece, Michael O’Neill guides you through how to make the most of your resources to activate your brand and provide your visitors with the content they are craving. Find out more.

Enhance your email marketing

Email still reigns supreme as one of the most effective marketing channels. For this reason, brands are putting more time, effort and resources into their email strategies. This report from Ascend2 and Return Path, highlighted by Business 2 Community, shows the main trends that companies are following with email marketing. It also outlines the goals businesses have for their email strategies. Check out all the data.

A winning personality: How to make your content shineMake your personality pop

Your content may be as informative and detailed as possible, but if it’s not connecting with readers, it’s not doing you any good. Make your brand stand out by giving your content a personality. Whether it’s professional or informal, having a personality will go a long way toward engaging prospects and establishing an effective relationship with them. Perfect your personality here.

That’s this week’s roundup of everything new in content marketing. Be sure to come back next Friday for the latest updates and trends in the industry.