Lauren Kaye
In Brafton’s Content Questionnaire series, Danny Wong from Shareaholic reveals which social media tactics marketers should back away from, and why they should be funny to get on his good side. 
Q: What’s your idea of a perfect piece of web content?

I drool over well-researched articles that reference proprietary data, expert sources and industry analysis.

Q: What is your current content focus?

Content that drives your brand (and, of course, pageviews and conversions).

Q: What is your biggest marketing fear?

Being repetitive.

Q: What do you dislike most about your website’s appearance?

It makes my avatar look fat.

The Shareaholic Blog featuring Danny Wong's blog content.
Q: What buzzwords are you guilty of using most?

Content marketing. Native advertising. Branded content.

Q: What brands do you have a marketing crush on?

Contently. Moz. HubSpot.

Q: Which results make you happiest?

The number of sites that use our content discovery and sharing tools.

Q: What marketing skill would you most like to have?

The ability to tweet a viral Tweet every time I tweet.

Q: What do you consider your greatest content marketing achievement (to date)?

One of my blog posts generated 365 links (in fewer than 365 days).

Q: If you were a type of web content, what do you think it would be?

I’d be a GIF because I always go back to the beginning.

Danny Wong would be a GIF if he could be any type of content.
Q: If you could do it all over again, what vertical would you work in and why?

Biz Dev. No, wait. Sales. I mean, Account Management. Uhm… what was the question, again?

Q: What personal trait are you always trying to improve?

My inability to sit still. Perhaps I need a shot of “chill out, bro.”

Q: Do you think your office environment reflects your brand?

Ping pong table. Enough said.

Q: What is your brand’s most valuable asset?

Our users, duh.

Q: What is your favorite part of the workday?

Pre-lunch, when I’m powering through tasks so I can reward myself afterwards with a sandwich.

Q: What is the quality you like best in other brands?


Q: What’s the quality you like least in other brands?

“Tweet something witty.”


Q: How can other brands/marketers get on your good side?

Tweet something witty.

Danny Wong said funny Tweets are the way to his marketing good side.
Q: Who are your favorite writers/brand leaders (online or off)?

Shane Snow of Contently.

Q: What is your marketing pet peeve?

Fleeting traffic.

Q: What’s one social media trend that you wish would die out?

#FollowFriday. Flattered when I’m mentioned, but seriously, folks?

Q: What’s your current inspiration?

PandoDaily and their hard-hitting approach to journalism.

Q: What is your marketing motto?

Test, analyze, invest, analyze and repeat.