Whether a website is about cars or guitars, common errors with landing pages can cause users to bounce away quickly, according to Steve Baldwin, writing a column at Media Post.

Custom landing pages, Baldwin writes, are among the most important pieces of content that search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search professionals will create. While the most serious error – a landing page that fails to load – is among the least common, according to Baldwin, he nevertheless emphasizes that a broken link can cost marketers dearly.

What Baldwin refers to as "the dreaded Demon of Disambiguity" is a more common pitfall experienced by landing pages. "The mere fact that I’m searching for Taylor Guitars doesn’t make me a prospect for the James Taylor Guitar Songbook, and there’s a world of difference between a Fender Jaguar guitar and a 4-wheeled Jaguar that happens to have fenders," Baldwin writes.

Experts say that search engine optimization (SEO) efforts can easily focus too heavily on search engine results pages, to the exclusion of the content that the SERPs point to.